Saturday, December 5, 2009

Whoa I caught me a Marlin!!

Well a little brim at GG's and Gramps house in Lake Okeechobee.  Back in September Gramps (great grandpa) celebrated his birthday.  Our whole family was their to sing Happy Birthday to him.  After cake we all went out fishing in their canal. 

It was awesome, all 4 of us great grandkids caught fish.  We had four generations all on the same seawall, Grandpa D says he has pictures of mommy fishing in the same spot when she was my age!  Can you believe that mommy was my age, I don't believe it, I think she has always been old and my mommy. 

Grace got into the action too.  In fact she grabbed the fishing pole right away, Gramps said she was a natural. 

Mya and Kai loved to catch the fish with their daddy.  Uncle Scott looking good with the hair! 

Gramps taught me everything I know about fishing. I tried to tell him that I would have better luck trying to spear the fish with the rod, but he showed me the ropes on how it is suppose to work.  After all he is an experienced fisherman. 

After my lesson with Gramps, I helped daddy catch a fish, I had to show him how it was done.  He needed a little help, after all I am now an experienced fisherman.  Thanks Gramps! 

After fishing we took a little bike break and Grandpa started to dance with us when the Wiggles came on.  Shake what your momma gave ya! 

It was an awesome birthday party, we can't wait to have cake and do some more fishing. 

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