Sunday, December 27, 2009

HO HO Holy Pajamas

Do Not rub your eyes, you are seeing RED.  Red Pajamas Mommy made for the whole family to wear!  She gave them out Christmas Eve for us to sleep in and do all the Christmas Festivities the next morning.

Grace was so excited for her first Christmas, she couldn't wait to see what it was all about.  Kai, Mya and I totally showed Grace what it was all about in the gift opening department.  Even Mya showed her the best excited face.  She totally nailed it. 

The big gift of the year was a play kitchen for ME!!  Well Grace and I really, we both love playing with it.  Kai and Mya totally approve of this awesome gift from Santa.    Later that day I decided to help mommy in her kitchen making some of Aunt Hazel's Famous Fudge.  The best part was getting to lick the Spoon!   Yummo  I think Grace and I will keep a jar of this delicious Fluff in our Kitchen for mommy just in case she wants to make more fudge. 

After all that gift opening we were all starving.  So Mommy and a few of her helpers made us all breakfast.  G-pa still hasn't graduated to the adult table yet, so he hung out with us at the kid table.  Grace was exhausted after all the presents so she took a nap. 

Pretty much the whole family decided to take a nap after that knock out breakfast. 
The new pj's were so comfy that most of us all stayed in them all day long!  Good job mommy, I can't wait to see what you come up with for next year!  Better start now! 

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