Thursday, December 10, 2009

Boo to you

Halloween was awesome this year.  Mom made Grandma, Grandpa, and my costume this year and it was a huge hit!  We went as Yo Gabba Gabba.... For those of you out of the loop here is a picture of them.  It is one of my favorite tv shows on Nick Jr. 
We went to a halloween spot that was suppose to have storyteller characters and princesses.  But when we got there the line was so long, plus we got mobbed.  All these people walked up to us asking to have there picture taken with us, I am not kidding!  So we went to the mall and more of the same happened there.   Grandpa was the star of the show, him and grandma were yelling "Yo Gabba Gabba" and waving to all the kids.  Then  a mall security officer told Grandpa he had to take his box mask off, so that ended that.  But man we were superstars for a brief moment! 

Kai was a transformer and Mya was a beautiful witch!  They got lots of candy and we all were so tired when we got home. 

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