Sunday, December 6, 2009

The circus is in town

No this is not a family gathering, a real circus came to town.  It was AWESOME and hot.  Cole Bros. circus actually has a big top with animals, acrobats all under one hot sweaty tent.  Guess that is there way to make sure you buy a lot of frosty drinks! 

Kai and Mya came too.  We got to see elephants, and camels..

Then they brought out this HUGE Cannon and shot a guy right out of it.  Poor Grace was sleeping and it woke her right up.  You can imagine she wasn't too happy.  Especially since she woke up that morning with PINK EYE... yuck. 
During intermission we started to goof around, here are our funny faces...

While we were making our funny faces, dad ran out to get us a funnel cake.  Aunt Patricia thought hmmm funnel cake that sounds good, so dad offered her his and ran out to get another one.  He made a pit stop and when he came out to get the second funnel cake the vender had closed up.  The show had started again, he came back to the seats, and Aunt Patricia, Mya and I had eaten all the funnel cake.  We then savored every last morsel of the powdered sugar.. yummo  Dad the cake was good thanks!

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