Monday, December 14, 2009

Stike a Pose

Hello world,

Here I am in all my glory and playing Peek a Boo with you!  These are pictures of me at 4 months!  Just one month late posting them, but I have been still waking mommy up in the middle of the night to get a bottle. 

She is starting to get a little batty, so I guess I will slowly ease into sleeping later and later. 

Do you know that inside your mouth is a tongue, watch out I might stick it out at you. 
I am also learning how to blow bubbles. 

But watch you fingers around me, I am getting ready to get my first tooth.  Wonder if I will be like Chase and get my first two at the same time.  Oh I hope for mommy's sake that isn't the case. 

I love having my picture taken, I smile for mommy anytime I can.  She makes me giggle when she kisses my cheek. 
I have the best big brother ever... he was concentrating so hard to hold me that he forgot to smile. 

Smile and say Cheese.....

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