Sunday, December 27, 2009

HO HO Holy Pajamas

Do Not rub your eyes, you are seeing RED.  Red Pajamas Mommy made for the whole family to wear!  She gave them out Christmas Eve for us to sleep in and do all the Christmas Festivities the next morning.

Grace was so excited for her first Christmas, she couldn't wait to see what it was all about.  Kai, Mya and I totally showed Grace what it was all about in the gift opening department.  Even Mya showed her the best excited face.  She totally nailed it. 

The big gift of the year was a play kitchen for ME!!  Well Grace and I really, we both love playing with it.  Kai and Mya totally approve of this awesome gift from Santa.    Later that day I decided to help mommy in her kitchen making some of Aunt Hazel's Famous Fudge.  The best part was getting to lick the Spoon!   Yummo  I think Grace and I will keep a jar of this delicious Fluff in our Kitchen for mommy just in case she wants to make more fudge. 

After all that gift opening we were all starving.  So Mommy and a few of her helpers made us all breakfast.  G-pa still hasn't graduated to the adult table yet, so he hung out with us at the kid table.  Grace was exhausted after all the presents so she took a nap. 

Pretty much the whole family decided to take a nap after that knock out breakfast. 
The new pj's were so comfy that most of us all stayed in them all day long!  Good job mommy, I can't wait to see what you come up with for next year!  Better start now! 

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Here Comes Santa Claus...

Right to Grandma and Grandpa's house!  He came on by to say hello and we all let him know that we have been very good boys and girls. 

Well Grace didn't really want to say anything to him, she wasn't too happy to see him.  I don't know why, he is so nice and seems familiar to me... hmm can't quiet figure it out but he reminds me of..... oh wait I need to tell him what I want for Christmas. 

After getting our list Santa had to go on to see some other boys and girls, Mya and Kai ran to the front to see if they could see his reindeer.  But before Santa left I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus!   She must be thanking Santa for her new hairdo she debut that weekend! 

After Santa took off we went back home and made some Christmas Ornaments.  Chase thought the googley eye looked better on his nose! 

Monday, December 14, 2009

Stike a Pose

Hello world,

Here I am in all my glory and playing Peek a Boo with you!  These are pictures of me at 4 months!  Just one month late posting them, but I have been still waking mommy up in the middle of the night to get a bottle. 

She is starting to get a little batty, so I guess I will slowly ease into sleeping later and later. 

Do you know that inside your mouth is a tongue, watch out I might stick it out at you. 
I am also learning how to blow bubbles. 

But watch you fingers around me, I am getting ready to get my first tooth.  Wonder if I will be like Chase and get my first two at the same time.  Oh I hope for mommy's sake that isn't the case. 

I love having my picture taken, I smile for mommy anytime I can.  She makes me giggle when she kisses my cheek. 
I have the best big brother ever... he was concentrating so hard to hold me that he forgot to smile. 

Smile and say Cheese.....

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pinkeye Christmas

Jeez wouldn't you know it when mommy wanted to take our family portrait I would wake up with PINKEYE!  Yes I am only 6 months but this is my 3 case of PINKEYE.  I don't think Chase has ever had pinkeye.  Oh well Chase made sure to Ham it up on the photos so no one would notice my itchy little eye. 

A few days later I was feeling much better and I let mommy take some sleigh pictures of me.  I told Chase and the dogs they should be my reindeers but they wouldn't sit still long enough for mom to snap the picture.  Maybe next year we can convince them. 

So Chase tells me that mom has been holding on to this snowman costume for about 2 years, he claims it is a rite of passage to have to put it on for pictures.  So I humored mommy and let her take one photo of me in it.  Here is Chase 2 years before in it too!

All I Want for Christmas

Is my TWO Front Teeth... Hey I got my two bottom Teeth in!  Yippee

So dad do you really think it is a good idea to stick your finger in there now?!?  I promise I won't bite.....HARD 

Bring on the baby food! 

Oh Christmas Tree

We have a family tradition that is mommy's favorite.  We always get a Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving.  Give it a day or so to unfold and decorate. 

This year is Grace's first experience.  Dad secretly likes it too, but always puts up a fuss.  I guess it doesn't help that mom makes him hold up every tree under the tent to see which one is "The One". 

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thanksgiving Tree Decorating

We spent Thanksgiving with Nana and Papa.  We all ate to much and had a great time.  Our cousins Nick and Carson came on by to visit too. 

Nana had put her tree up and Chase, Carson and Nick got to decorate it!  All the ornaments were delicately place by the three boys.  I (Grace) got to watch all the festivities while visiting with my Aunt Lindsay. 

Mom snapped away at the camera and came close to getting all three boys in one spot, almost looking at her.  She gave it a good effort, but they were too excited to decorate the tree. 
The tree turned out beautifully, the bottom half was loaded with wonderful ornaments.  The top half was a little bare, but Papa added a few later. 

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Carve me a Pumpkin...Wait I didn't mean Literally

We all headed out to the pumpkin patch to find the right pumpkin for us to carve out.  Mommy and Aunt Patirica thought it would be an awesome photo to get all of us together at the patch.
But trying to get all of us to look at the camera, HAHAHA  Good luck on that one mom!
Carving pumpkins is so much fun.  You get to use a spoon to scoop out all this gooey gunk.  

Even Aunt Patricia got into the spirit and carved a goofy pumpkin. 

Little did Grace and I know that we would be sitting in them. Ugh do you see the picture above! Here are some more. We are sitting on a blanket inside, but man this thing is ewwwy gooey