Monday, June 4, 2012

Grace's First Haircut

A couple of weeks and I will be 3.   I am  growing up so fast, and my hair has finally caught up. 

Mom and Dad (reluctantly) decided it was time for me to get my first haircut.

It was just a year ago that my hair was at my shoulders, now look how long it has gotten!

My first haircut experience was great.  At first I wasn't really sure what to think and was a little nervous.

But Mom, Dad, and Chase were there to watch and help. 

I like getting my hair shampooed at home, but I am always in the tub.  This lying down while a stranger washes my hair was a little unnerving.  Good thing Mom is strong, cause I had a grip around her neck and wasn't going to let go. 

Whew that is done, and you know what it wasn't so bad.  Ok, I got this, bring on the haircut.... Wait.. wait.. I am not so sure.... She did it, she cut my first locks off....  Ahhhh

Ok so it wasn't bad, and you know what, I kind of thought it was fun.  

Wow look at all that hair that she cut off. 

I look Beautiful and LOVE my new haircut.  Daddy likes it too.  Don't worry Daddy, I will always be your little girl.

Chase told me I looked pretty and I did a good job. 

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