Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Grace

Wow I am now Three and I am a Big Girl.  

 I was lucky enough to have 2 parties again this year.  I had a Dora party at my preschool and since it is summer time, Kai and Mya were there to help Chase sing. 

Then on my actual birthday I had a Bubble Guppy party.  It was suppose to be a swim party, but the weather had other ideas.  No rain could ruin my birthday party, we played pin the tail on a Molly and Gil (my favorite Bubble Guppies)  Some of us were better than others, I think they could see underneath the mask. 

Poor Kai, Mom saw a chance to give him some sugar and he didn't see it coming. 

I have been singing "Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Gracie, Happy Birthday to Me" for a week and now it is finally time. 

All right here I go, make a wish, and take a deep breath......whooosh  I did it, I did it... Yay!


We ate Bubble Guppy cakepops and just had the best time. 

And at the end of the party we all became Bubble Guppies

Thank you to all who came and those who couldn't.  I love you all and had a wonderful 3rd Birthday.  Looking forward to many more. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Super Dad

Happy Father's Day Daddy

We made some awesome cards for Dad and he loved them.

And every Super Dad needs a Super Breakfast!  We helped mom make a special breakfast for daddy on "Daddy Day" 

We love you

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I Totally Rock

Tattoo... Tattoo....(enter guitar solo)   Yes folks that is Van Halen playing in the background as we Rock out for our Father's Day photoshoot. 

As you might now, Van Halen is Daddy's favorite band.  So what better to give him for Father's Day then pictures of us Rockin out.

 Dad is going to LOVE these and we had so much fun Jammin out. 

Mom talked about someone called the Brady Bunch, but I think we are the next Van Powell's...

Kind of catchy isn't it.

Rock On Everyone.


Monday, June 4, 2012

Grace's First Haircut

A couple of weeks and I will be 3.   I am  growing up so fast, and my hair has finally caught up. 

Mom and Dad (reluctantly) decided it was time for me to get my first haircut.

It was just a year ago that my hair was at my shoulders, now look how long it has gotten!

My first haircut experience was great.  At first I wasn't really sure what to think and was a little nervous.

But Mom, Dad, and Chase were there to watch and help. 

I like getting my hair shampooed at home, but I am always in the tub.  This lying down while a stranger washes my hair was a little unnerving.  Good thing Mom is strong, cause I had a grip around her neck and wasn't going to let go. 

Whew that is done, and you know what it wasn't so bad.  Ok, I got this, bring on the haircut.... Wait.. wait.. I am not so sure.... She did it, she cut my first locks off....  Ahhhh

Ok so it wasn't bad, and you know what, I kind of thought it was fun.  

Wow look at all that hair that she cut off. 

I look Beautiful and LOVE my new haircut.  Daddy likes it too.  Don't worry Daddy, I will always be your little girl.

Chase told me I looked pretty and I did a good job. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Line Up.... Line Up...Everbody Line Up

It's Time for Grace's 3rd Birthday...

My favorite show is Bubble Guppies on Nick Jr.  I have become a couch potato when it is on, and if it isn't on I insist, no demand, that Bubble Guppies must be playing at all times.

So naturally what else would I want to become for my birthday....

Introducing the newest member to the Bubble Guppies.....

Bubble Guppy Grace!

For those of you not familiar with Bubble Guppies let me explain. 

They are a group of Boy and Girl guppies who attend school with their teacher Mr. Grouper.  They get to go on all sorts of adventures learning about cool stuff along the way. 
Here are some of my new friends.



And of course it wouldn't be time to take pictures unless I stuck my finger in my nose at least once.  Mom says I will never grow out of this habit, I think she might be right!