Friday, March 19, 2010

Brunch with the Bunnies and a few other animals

How lucky we were to  be invited to Brunch for Easter with the Bunnies and a few of their friends.    Our local nature center provided the venue. 

They have lots of rescue animals that live there to get better and eventually go home once their boo boos heal.  Wonder if they get a Dora band-aid like mommy give me when I have a boo boo?

Nana, Grandma, Papa, Aunt Patricia, Kai, Mya, Meuy and Lilly all came too.  We got to have brunch and pet lots of animals. 

There were baby ducks waddling around,  several rabbits to pet. 

The goat's name was Hershey, but Chase said she did not smell like Chocolate...

Chase got to make a bunny wind sock with mommy. 

We all got to do an Easter Egg hunt, Kai showed Chase where the eggs where.  After the hunt, everyone gathered around to check out all that they had found. 

I on the other hand had words with a Rooster.... eh You clucking to me.... thats right I said you clucking to me...  

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