Saturday, March 27, 2010

Park It

Can you believe that I am 29 months old and Grace is 9 months.  She has offically been out of mommy's tummy just as long as in it!  As you can imagine having two little ones makes for one busy household.  But this day we decided to get away from all the humdrum of life and go to the park.

I got to bring my tricycle out and of course I wore my helmet.  Safety first!   My little legs pedaled as fast as they could, keep up daddy! 

Mommy stayed behind snapping some pictures, she got to dust off her camera.  Poor Grace was in the middle of her 3rd pink eye breakout!  I haven't had one yet, but it doesn't look like fun.. Poor baby.


At the end of the trail was a playground, I left daddy guarding my bike while took to the slide...  yipppeee

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