Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Best Decision Ever

Aunt Patricia and Mommy made a family decision that with 4 kids = 4 birthdays a year, plus other fun weekends inbetween, that it would be a good investment to purchase our very own BOUNCE HOUSE!

Jump Jump, everybody Jump Jump

We all got into the act - check out Aunt Patricia catching air.

Mom on the other hand, not so graceful....

Don't worry Grace you will be in here soon.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Park It

Can you believe that I am 29 months old and Grace is 9 months.  She has offically been out of mommy's tummy just as long as in it!  As you can imagine having two little ones makes for one busy household.  But this day we decided to get away from all the humdrum of life and go to the park.

I got to bring my tricycle out and of course I wore my helmet.  Safety first!   My little legs pedaled as fast as they could, keep up daddy! 

Mommy stayed behind snapping some pictures, she got to dust off her camera.  Poor Grace was in the middle of her 3rd pink eye breakout!  I haven't had one yet, but it doesn't look like fun.. Poor baby.


At the end of the trail was a playground, I left daddy guarding my bike while took to the slide...  yipppeee

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sweaters that never go out of style

Many moons ago my Great Grandma made these sweaters for Daddy.  But I don't believe he ever wore these, they are way too small for him to wear. 
Great Grandma is a excellent knitter cause these beauties have lasted over 30 years and then some!  Wow that is a lonnnng time.  Wonder if my light up shoes will still work that long. 
Thanks Nana for saving these for me.  I love wearing them .

Friday, March 19, 2010

Brunch with the Bunnies and a few other animals

How lucky we were to  be invited to Brunch for Easter with the Bunnies and a few of their friends.    Our local nature center provided the venue. 

They have lots of rescue animals that live there to get better and eventually go home once their boo boos heal.  Wonder if they get a Dora band-aid like mommy give me when I have a boo boo?

Nana, Grandma, Papa, Aunt Patricia, Kai, Mya, Meuy and Lilly all came too.  We got to have brunch and pet lots of animals. 

There were baby ducks waddling around,  several rabbits to pet. 

The goat's name was Hershey, but Chase said she did not smell like Chocolate...

Chase got to make a bunny wind sock with mommy. 

We all got to do an Easter Egg hunt, Kai showed Chase where the eggs where.  After the hunt, everyone gathered around to check out all that they had found. 

I on the other hand had words with a Rooster.... eh You clucking to me.... thats right I said you clucking to me...  

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just a typical Sunday at Home

Usually start out the morning in the kitchen making pancakes. Copper likes to hang out and play around too.  Baker is probably in the kitchen finishing up the leftover pancakes. 

Grace likes my cooking, not quite like mom's pancakes but make believe pancakes aren't that bad! 
Daddy likes the make believe pancakes too, here share with Grace... Sharing is Caring Daddy..Dad pancakes don't go on your head, silly
Get ready for Chase's super big awesome hug!!!
I don't know how people can say we look alike, seriously look at our profiles, what do you think?
Sunday's are by the far my most favorite day of the week.  It means tickles and hugs from my favorite dad all day long.