Sunday, March 17, 2013

Here Leprechaun, Come get your Gold

St. Patrick's day is tomorrow and we are so excited, you know why.... We are going to catch us a Leprechaun.  We found out at school that some Leprechaun's can be naughty but no worries, cause we will catch him before he can play any tricks on us.

Nana came over to help us with "Operation Pot of Gold".  First step in catching a Leprechaun is to build a trap that they just can't resist.  We made Rainbows with clouds, and glitter shamrocks to lure him in.  Mom made a rainbow ladder for him to climb up. 

Once he climbs up the ladder thinking there is gold in the box, BAM he falls to the bottom and has to wait for us to wake up in the morning to get him out. 

We had a late night and decided to let sleep in to 7 AM, Chase was 1st to wake up.  I heard him get up and make his way to the bathroom, squeal and then race to Mom and Daddy's room. 

"Mom, Mom, Mom.... wake up... there is Green footprints on our toliet and Green water,  Mom, Mom, Mom...."  By that time we were all up and headed to the bathroom to see what it was all about.  Low and behold it was right there....

So Chase and I run as fast as we can to see if we caught the Leprechaun.  When we got to the trap it was upside down on a box of Lucky Charms, with a note and more Green footprints...

The note said...

Chase & Grace,

Happy St. Patrick's day

Nice try with your Pot of Gold trap, better luck next year.  I will leave you my favorite cereal and because you tried to catch me, I made you a Rainbow breakfast.  I love Rainbows after all.  Sorry about the toliet, but I drank too much Green Milk. 

Sammy Shamrock

We ate our rainbow breakfast and Chase's favorite part was the whip cream clouds.   I didn't drink my Green milk because I think the Leprechaun peed in it to make it green.  Mommy laughed and said no it was just green milk, but I still drank water instead.   

We will try again next year Sammy, so be ready....