Saturday, October 29, 2011

Legoland Florida

How lucky am I!  Legoland opened right around my birthday, and I got to go.  Kaylee and Cole came to with their Mommy and Daddy.  It was our first family vacation, Grace and I showed them around our camper and we all had a very wet but awesome time.

Mamaw and Papa towed our bikes for us, don't they look cool! 

 No rain could stop our fun, we rode all over that campground. 

The whole park has lego statues and fun things to do for kids our age.  They had so many things for us to do and ride, I will show a few....

Can you see the guy in the plant??  It totally freaked Grace out, hahaha  She wouldn't go near him, but I thought he was super silly.

 We rode a two-story carousel, watch us go up and down. Yeehaw...

Next we watched a 4-D movie, I think the glasses make us look Cool. Wow did you see that, the Lego guy zoomed right past me, I think I can reach out and touch him...

Next was the Tower of Doom, let me flex my muscle and get ready for this... You ready Dad...arms up weeeee This is fun  I am ready for the Big Boy Roller Coaster.

Yes mom really,  I am ready, I want to go... see Kaylee is going, let's go mom pleeeeeasse

So off to the Roller Coaster we went, 2 four year olds went on their first roller coaster ride.  I will let the picture explain for itself how Kaylee and I each felt a little differently about our first ride. 

I was happy to get off that ride, whew, Dad next time I will sit with you instead, lets move on shall we...

Ah now this is more my speed, I feel the need... the need for speed! 


I did so well they gave me a special Legoland Drivers License, can you believe it.  Mom I can totally drive to school now, see I am legal.  Since I did so well at driving on land I decided to take Mom and Grace on a luxury cruise.  Hey look there is Kaylee and Aunt Lori, Ahoy there....

The park has a beautiful garden that used to be called Cypress Gardens.  Well they should have named it Mosquito Heaven, wow those blood suckers were all through the gardens.  Quick Grace smile and grab Kaylee and Cole, we have to run out of here...

We made it out of there just in time for a waterski show.  The Legoland soliders beat the stinky Pirate!  Argh...  Yeah for the soldiers

Uncle Rich was so excited they had a fire academy action ride at the park that he challenged Daddy to a Fire/Police race! It was so much fun, but who was a tie of course. 

We had an awesome time, I can't wait to go back again!