Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Sweet Grace

I am 2 and got to have 2 parties!  One at school that had my favorite snack, cheese and crackers.  Then mommy showed off her cakepop skills and made Sesame Street Cakepops for my friends.  Chase, Kai and Mya got to come in to sing me happy birthday. 

Then later I got to have my own special Tea Party!  Everyone came out in their finest attire to eat and party.   Mommy has been handing off her camera to Aunt Patricia and finally we have some pictures of her in them.  Nice job Aunt Patricia, Papa and Mommy hard at work. 

Chase kept the party going by playing some sweet beats on his drum set. 

Grandma was taking a minute to look at all the pictures of me from that last year!  I love a day all about me..... hehehe

After we ate we got to have craft  time and make picture frames to take home, it was super fun and everyone made awesome frames.  I think I will frame this picture of Mya's new silly smile, it makes me laugh. 

My masterpiece is finished and Aunt Patricia likes it too,  see how pretty it came out.


Grandma and Nana took a tea break in the park, well that was the set up mom had for the pictures.   

Daddy helped Chase finish his frame, while mommy posed for her picture frame, what a goof. 

Daddy got his birthday kisses in before I could run away.  No Daddy No (giggling)

I got lots of wonderful presents and everyone was ready to help me open them!   Thinking to myself, these are mine, mine all mine.....muhwahhhha  no I will share later, much later

Look Cole I got a Barbie, see her, isn't she pretty.  Oh thank you for my Birthday hug, I love you too.

I had the best birthday so far, and being 2 I already feel like a grown up, except I think passing gas or burping is hysterical.  But hey so does my Papa so I guess I am a grown up. 

Stay tuned for more adventures to come from Chase and Grace, we are growing up fast and mommy wants to capture it all.