Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hot Wheels and Cold Fish

I always have a great time when we get to go to GG's and Gpa's house. They always have so many fun things to do there, and our Gpa is a Master Fisherman.  He is teaching us all his special tricks on how to catch fish on a pole while using bread as bait! 

And you know what, it works!  Check out my big fish here. 

Grace decided to try it out fishing and GG came out to give her a few tips too. 

Look Grace, you got one,  Pull it up, hurry! 

Fishing was hard work so we took a break for a little swinging.

But we don't like to sit for to long, so mom hurry up and take my picture cause I feel the need, the need for speed!  Oh and Grace already took off before we could get this picture taken.  Cheese..

And we are off, Chase rounding the corner....

oh no Grace is quickly gaining momentum and closing in fast. 

Stop, photo op... Cheese

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Splish Splash Nana

Can you guess what we are about to do?  Chase is in charge of filling up the pool and I am in charge of getting wet.

Whoa this is cold!

Hey Grace I got an idea,  Watch what I can do!

CHASE!!!  That is cold and super fun, do it AGAIN... 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy

Daddy had a Cars theme party special just for him... Shhhh mommy had gotten a lighting McQueen pan and was dying to try out the Mater Cupcake she found.  So that is how it became Daddy's special McQueen party. 

He didn't mind, I mean shoot he is only 39, I think that is old but mommy says he acts like he is a kid so he would love the party. 

The Delgado's were able to come on by for the BBQ and Uncle Scott handled the grill. 

Happy Birthday Daddy, maybe next year when you are 40 you can have a big boy party.