Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chase's 1st Day of Preschool

It was time I graduated from Grandma's Day Camp and move on to Preschool.  I was a little nervous, but not as much as Mommy and Daddy.  They took it much harder than I did. 

Mom seriously I am 2 already, I am a big boy now...  Geez I hope she doesn't do this when she drops me off everyday. 

My first Day was Awesome. I got to play on the playground with all my new friends. I missed Grandma alot but she has Grace to keep her busy.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What!?! Tomatos don't grown in the Store

We go to the store every week with Mommy to do a little grocery shopping.  It is Chase's favorite outing, the lady at the bakery gives him this round thing, he calls a cookie.  Not sure really what those brown chunks are in there but he seems to really like them.   Mom barely turns into the parking lot and he is yelling COOKIE, COOKIE  Mommy.  

The red balls mommy buys are called tomatos.  Apparently they just don't magically appear at the store, they are grown in this stuff called DIRT.  yuck-o   Look at their hands, ugh.  I will have none of that DIRT in my little hands.  So I sat and watched with Grandma D. 

After planting our little garden, Kai, Mya, and Chase went to swing off some of that dirty dirt. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Giddy Up COWboy

YeeHaw   I am a COWboy, and so is Kai and Mya (she is a COWgirl)   Mommy got us hippy hop cows to bounce on and these cows are fun!  We bounce around for a long time, sometimes we do a cow parade and mom waves as we bounce by.  Mommy got Grace one too, but she isn't exactly ready for it yet.  Soon though, she is working out her legs on the bouncy. 

Here is Kai, Mya and I MOO-ving around!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh cousin of mine

Mya had a ballerina shoot with mommy and I couldn't help getting dressed up too. 

Kai and Chase didn't want to be left out either and found these silly costumes to smile in.

Pee Pee in the Potty

So apparently I can't grow up wearing a diaper.  So mommy introduce me to a potty.  Hey I can do this, but wait, this isn't the way I am suppose to pee in the potty. 

This is the way I pee in the potty!  And keep in mind I had an audience, everyone came out to cheer me on!  Now I get to put stickers on my potty chart. 

I am a BIG BOY now!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hanging out

Our weekends are usually pretty full with going places and having fun.  This weekend we decided to just hang out and relax at home.  This is Chase and my favorite time of night, watching Sprout with daddy. 

I love it when Papa carries me around, hey papa when do I get to ride on your Harley!  I am ready for a vacation, these 6 months have been rough. 

Later that day mom got out from behind the camera to say cheese with her favorite daddy and us! 

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sittin and a Cookin

Grace is 1/2 a year old and mommy wanted to celebrate with cooking something a little special for her.  I thought it was an excellent idea, and I wanted to make her something to.  This is usually how mommy gets to make dinner for us.  She lets us smell all the spices and goodies she uses to make dinner.  Maybe Grace and I will be chefs, since Construction doesn't look like it will be in our future. 
After watching mommy make dinner, Grace and I headed to our kitchen to whip up something yummy to eat.

While I was cooking, Grace practiced sitting up.  She is doing so good sitting all by herself, sometimes she falls over, but looking good today! 

Monday, January 11, 2010

My little Cookie Monster

Me Want COOKIES!   Whoa Chase these cookies are yumm-tastic!! 
Chase shared a little secret with me and they are called cookies.  At first I wasn't really sure what it was, but once I had a taste I couldn't stop. 

Saturday, January 9, 2010

This is what I say to Baby Food.

I am boycotting baby food at the moment.  Anytime mommy or daddy try to give me some I come down with a serious case of the Raspberries.  In fact Raspberries are becoming my favorite pastime activity.  Check me out, I am pretty good at it too! 

Friday, January 8, 2010

What are you feeding me?

I am 6 months old and starting to get the hang of things.  Starting to sit up on my own and putting anything I can get my hands on in my mouth.  Well almost anything.... Mommy is trying to convince me that this pastey goop she calls baby food is good and yummy.  Serious mom have you smelled the stuff you are trying to put in my mouth?  The dog's toy taste better than this stuff

Alright enough is enough, no more of this stuff, I WANT MY BINKY!!!  Ah much better.   

Oh jeez here is mom trying it again.  See for yourself! 

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Gingerbread House

We had so much fun at Christmas we forgot to try our hand at making a gingerbread house.  So mom and Aunt Patricia opened it up just after New Years.   Seriously how hard could it be, we are 4 kids and 2 adults, I am sure we can have no problems.  Take a look at our handy work! 

Ta-da!   Doesn't our house look like the picture on the box!  We all took our hands away and down it fell... guess we don't have careers in construction just yet.  Maybe next years will be a little better, at least have one wall stand up. 

Friday, January 1, 2010

The best park ever!!

We have a park that is the supreme awesome-st park ever.  It is called SugarSand.  There is a giant fort with tons of slides and fun things inside. 

I sat back and relaxed in the stroller while Chase, Kai and Mya ran around with Aunt Patricia. 

One of the other fun things they have is a carousel.  I think I will be ready to ride it soon.  Chase said it was super fun and got to pick which horse he wanted to ride.